Mach reflection

Mach reflection is a supersonic fluid dynamics effect, named for Ernst Mach, and is a shock wave reflection pattern involving three shocks.



Mach reflection can exist in both unsteady or pseudosteady flow, as well as in steady flow. When a shock wave propagates over a solid wedge, the flow generated by the shock impinges on the wedge thus generating a second reflected shock, which ensures that the velocity of the flow is parallel to the wedge surface. Viewed in the frame of the reflection point, this flow is locally steady, and the configuration is referred to as a pseudosteady flow. When the angle between the wedge and the primary shock is sufficiently large, a single reflected shock is not able to turn the flow to a direction parallel to the wall and transition to Mach reflection occurs.[1]

In a steady flow situation, if a wedge is placed into a steady supersonic flow in such a way that its oblique attached shock impinges on a flat wall parallel to the free stream, the shock turns the flow toward the wall and a reflected shock is required to turn the flow back to a direction parallel to the wall. When the shock angle exceeds a certain value, the deflection achievable by a single reflected shock is insufficient to turn the flow back to a direction parallel to the wall and transition to Mach reflection is observed.[1]

Mach reflection consists of three shocks, namely the incident shock, the reflected shock and a Mach stem, as well as a slip plane. The point where the three shocks meet is known as the 'triple point' in two dimensions, or a shock-shock in three dimensions.[2]

Types of Mach reflection

The only type of Mach reflection possible in steady flow is direct Mach reflection, in which the Mach stem is convex away from the oncoming flow, and the slip plane slopes towards the reflection surface. In unsteady flow, the triple point will move away from the surface. In unsteady flow, it is also possible that the triple point remain stationary relative to the surface (stationary Mach reflection), or move toward the surface (inverse Mach reflection). In inverse Mach reflection, the Mach stem is convex toward the oncoming flow, and the slip plane curves away from the boundary [2].

See also


  1. ^ a b "Transition between Regular Reflection and Mach Reflection in the Dual-Solution Domain" (PDF). 2007. Retrieved 2010-08-13. 
  2. ^ a b Ben-Dor, Gabi (2007). Shock Wave Reflection Phenomena (2nd Edition ed.). Springer. ISBN 978-3-540-71381-4. 

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